ملخص المشروع

This invention technically involves the field of desert agriculture, irrigation, informatics and digitization. By exploiting the field of informatics and modern technologies, we can find solutions to the following problems: • Evaporation of water during its exit from sprinklers and before it reaches the plant leads to an increase in its salinity, • Using higher irrigation leads to a negative impact on plants and it may damage them, • Excessive irrigation water can reduce the evaporation issue, but it leads to a decrease in the degree of fertility the soil, • Monsoon winds, which direct water to areas that are not irrigated or uncultivated, • Reducing water waste and preserving the environment.

ميدان التطبيق

Growing with us: A smart saharan irrigation system


  • جامعة الجزائرية Universitéd’ElOued
  • السنة 2022


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