“National Council for Scientific Research and Technology (CNRST)“
Decree n° 92-23 of January 1992 and decree n° 08-237 of 27 July 2008.
Decision of 29 December 2010 regarding the list of CNRST members.
In the law n° 15-21, it is denominated Conseil National de Recherche Scientifique et du Développement Technologique (CNRST).
The CNRST is the body in charge of setting up the major orientations of the national policy of scientific research and technological development, determining the priorities among the national research programmes, coordinating their implementation.
Mission defined by the law :
Defining the orientations of the national policy on the subject, determining the priorities among the national research programmes and implementing them.
Missions defined in the application text :
Setting up the major orientations of the national policy of scientific research and technological development, determining the priorities among the national research programmes, coordinating their implementation. In this regard, it is responsible especially for :<br> - Determining the major options of scientific and technical research;
Determining the major options of scientific and technical research;
Appreciating the results of the actions undertaken under the national plan of scientific and technical research;
Adopting the general orientations of the national plan of scientific and technical research;
Setting up the general orientations of the policy of preservation, valorization and development of the national scientific and technical potential;
“Intersectoral committees for promoting, programming and evaluating scientific and technical research “
The executive decree n°08-238 of 27 July 2008 amending and supplementing the executive decree n°92-22 of 13 January 1992 concerning the creation, organization and functioning of the intersectoral committees for promoting, programming and evaluating scientific and technical research fixes, in its article 3, the missions of the intersectoral committee.
This progress report, at midpoint, of the intersectoral committees for the period of July 2014 to July 2017 has a triple objective :
Elaboration of the National Research Programmes and details of implementation, via:
Intersectoral dialogue meetings
Guiding lines of DGRSDT/MESRS.
Initiation of the Means of Elaboration of the National Programmes as follows :
To give an opinion on the methods of distribution and allocation of funds;
To participate in the coordination of the cooperation actions related to the national programmes for which it is responsible;
To encourage research regarding federative and interdisciplinary projects and propose all necessary measures to develop it;
To organize the dialogue between the administration, research bodies and businesses directly or indirectly concerned by the field of research considered in order to guarantee a better coordination;
To propose long-term planning elements to elaborate, evaluate and update the national research programmes;
Impact of the results via :
Calls for proposals by Thematic Research Agencies;
Implementation of the Strategy of Valorization by the Directorate for Technological Development and Innovation (DDTI-DGRSDT);
Valorization of the research projects results by the National Agency for Valorization of the Results of Research and Technological Development (ANVREDET). >
Domains of the 10 Intersectoral Committees :
Housing, Urbanism, Construction, Transport & Public Works
Human Sciences & History
Law, Economy & Society
Town and Country Planning, Environment & Major Hazards
Raw Materials & Energy
Education, Culture & Communication
Health & Life Sciences
Fundamental Sciences
Technology & Industry
Agriculture, Water Resources & Fisheries
“Permanent Sectoral Committees (CSP)“
Decree N°99-243 of 31 October 1999
Order fixing the list of CSP members at each ministerial department concerned by SRTD.
Missions defined in the application text :
Ensure the promotion, coordination and evaluation of the activities of scientific research and technological development within the sector.
Missions defined in the application text :
this regard, it is responsible especially for :
Gathering and proposing the necessary elements to develop the sectoral policy of SRTD;
Appreciating and proposing the necessary human and financial means to implement the scientific research programmes;
Proposing the elements which contribute to draw up the reports of SRTD activities;
Evaluating the activities of cooperation in the field of SRTD;
Giving an opinion on the projects of creating research laboratories and services within higher education and training establishments;
Proposing the sectoral programmes of scientific research to be funded by FNRSDT.
Dealing with the coordination of implementation and monitoring of research programmes and appreciate their results;
Defining and proposing any action of training through research aiming to enhance the scientific potential;
Studying and proposing any measure that is likely to encourage vulgarization, diffusion and valorization of SRTD results;
Drawing up and updating the file of scientific and technical potential;
Consolidating the reports drafted by the evaluation bodies under the authority of the institutions of execution of research activities;